How To Store Out-of-Season Clothes in a Storage Unit

Seasonal clothing being packed into a box for storage.

It’s crucial to store out-of-season clothing properly so it’s ready for use in the future. Many people do this by stowing away winter clothes to make room for lighter summer clothes. But you must ensure they’re stored properly to maintain their quality for next season. Here are some packing and storage tips on how to store clothes in a storage unit and how to pack clothes for storage.

1. Use Plastic Bins

Plastic bins are a great choice for keeping your out-of-season clothes in good shape until they’re back in rotation.

In contrast to cardboard boxes and plastic bags, plastic bins provide better moisture and pest protection, keeping your clothes looking good for a long time. Plastic bins are a practical choice that contributes to the longevity of your wardrobe, facilitating seamless transitions between seasons and upholding the integrity of your clothes.

2. Wash Your Clothes

Washing your winter clothes before storing them is a simple step that prevents stains from sticking during storage. If you wash them before storage, accumulated dirt, sweat, or stains won’t attract pests or discolor the fabric.

As a result, thoroughly dried and clean clothes are less likely to mold and mildew, thereby maintaining their quality in storage for longer. This straightforward but vital step maintains the freshness of your clothing and contributes to its longevity so it emerges from storage in optimal condition when the seasons change.

3. Avoid Vacuum Packing

Despite being a convenient space-saving method, vacuum packing can cause fabric compression and damage, especially on knits and delicate fabrics. As a result of the lack of airflow in vacuum-sealed bags, garments get wrinkled and lose shape.

Wool, cashmere, and silk are especially vulnerable to damage. Furthermore, vacuum packing can cause puffer jackets to lose volume, making them less effective. Cotton or canvas garment bags help maintain the form and quality of your clothes during storage, so folding and stacking are the best options.

4. Don’t Mix Fabrics

You must separate different fabrics during storage to prevent odor transfer or damage. When storing wool, keep it separate from cotton. This precaution is crucial for long-term clothing storage, especially since some fabrics, such as cotton, can turn yellow when in contact with acidic materials like wood or cardboard. It’s best to separate natural and synthetic fibers to prevent color transfer.

5. Consider Desiccant Packets

Consider adding desiccant packets to each clothing box to keep moisture levels optimal. These packets prevent mold and mildew from growing, especially in humid places. Your clothing will last much longer if you use desiccant packets in storage to stay fresh, dry, and free from moisture problems.

6. Use Airtight Containers

You can keep your clothes fresh by storing them in airtight containers, which offer numerous advantages. Airtight containers keep the fabric in good shape by preventing odor, discoloration, and deterioration by excluding external elements such as dust, insects, and humidity.

In addition, they’re great for long-term storage, so your clothes stay good until you need them again. You can protect and maintain your wardrobe items by incorporating airtight containers into your storage approach.

Prepare Your Winter Wardrobe for Long-Term Storage With Storage of America

Now that you have your winter wardrobe properly packed, it’s time to put them into storage and usher in lighter fabrics for the warmer months. It’s easy to transition your wardrobe for warmer weather with the right residential storage approach. Storage of America understands the importance of proper clothing storage.

It’s crucial to protect your winter wardrobe as the seasons change. You can keep your winter wardrobe in good shape with our climate-controlled storage units and secure facilities. With us, you’ll get a seamless transition from winter to spring and know your cherished clothes are in good hands. Call or contact us to rent or reserve your storage unit today!

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